Example Scene D
Why do you think this campaign is violating the Responsible Marketing Code?
Please note that the expression Half Cut is used to describe being “drunk” in many English-speaking countries.
Multiple answers apply.
This is correct
Although there is no issue with advertising on commuter radio, this specific execution using the word “driving home half cut” which means “driving home drunk” could be interpreted as encouraging drinking and driving.
See Principle 4 “We advocate responsible drinking, driving responsibly and safety in general”.
This is not correct
The audio and jingle are typical for commuter radio and do not primarily appeal to minors.
See Principle 1 “We do not primarily appeal to minors” for more information.
This is correct
The name of the product “Half Cut” which means “drunk” could be interpreted as promoting overconsumption.
See Principle 5 “We do not associate our brands with anti-social behaviour and overconsumption”.
Unfortunately Alex failed to follow this advice.
This is not correct
Communicating the functional benefit of a smaller size SKU is not a violation of the Responsible Marketing Code. Note that communicating a larger size SKU as a functional benefit could be interpreted as promoting overconsumption.
See Principle 5 “We do not associate our brands with anti-social behaviour and overconsumption”.